The AWM 2025

Authors are requested to prepare the manuscript according to the guidelines and it should be brief, clear and to the point. It has to be subdivided into sections as mentioned.

General Instructions to Author

The submission of the script will be taken to imply that it has not been previously published and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The manuscript must present the results of the original work.

Cite the source when referring, adapting, reusing etc if any from another source

Plagiarism is unacceptable.

If the scripts are accepted for publication, the author should not publish it elsewhere.

The responsibility of the contents rests upon the authors and not on the publisher.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes if necessary in the manuscript.

AWM 2025 Proceedings

    All the Registered Papers (Manuscripts/Extended Aabstracts) will be published in AWM 2025 Conference proceedings with ISBN.

    1. Publication (Post Conference Proceedings)

    ISBN Number: (under process)

    Publications Chair: (under process)

    Edition: First

    Publication Date: (under process)

    2. Publisher

    Publisher Name: Venus International Foundation

    Publisher Type: Institutional Publisher

    Publisher Address: No. 1, Ganesh Nagar Main Road, Adambakkam, Chennai – 600088, Tamilnadu, India.

    Mobile No. of Publisher: +91 9840556456

    Phone No. of Publisher: 044 – 22531502

    Email Id of Publisher:

    3. Conference Information

    Conference Frequency: Annual

    Conference Code: WM25EN10SN–042

    Conference Title: 10th Annual Women's Meet

    Conference Acronym: AWM 2025

    Conference Date: 1 March 2025

    Conference Website:

    Conference Location: Green Park Hotel

    Conference City: Chennai, Tamilnadu

    Country: India