The Centre for Research and Innovation (CRI) is established in 2015
and the centre organizes Scientific Meetings.
The CRI globally connected over 1050 researchers
from 10 countries to focus on Diverse approach to address societal challenges and deliver novel solutions.
To develop new ways of thinking that contribute positively to societal challenges
To provide a stimulating and supportive environment that nurtures the highest quality research
To promote a positive and equitable learning environment for all backgrounds to make new discoveries
To generate new knowledge and better understanding to showcase cutting-edge research
Accelerating Research Commercialization – From Bench to Bank Ketnote Speaker: Dr. Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, National University of Singapore, Singapore No Pesticide Rice Farming in India and in The United States Ketnote Speaker: Dr. Samuel S. Gnanamanickam, Biotech Innovations, United States 11th Research Meet – ARM 2025 (6 December)
Established in 2015, this annual award honors Researchers around the world who are committed to finding solutions to the daunting challenges. Click here to know more...
Globally connected over 1050+ researchers from 20 countries. 9 Meetings.
Click here to know more...
All the Speakers of Annual Research Meet (ARM) have shared their insights, experiences and wisdom.
Their valuable ideas shaped the ARM and inspired all attendees. 50+ Speakers.
Click here to know more...
For any questions and inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact the CRI by email: cri@venusinfo.org