AWM is a self-supporting event and the event registration fees are the major source of revenue for running the event.

All the (Administrative – Materials and Hall – Service Tax and Accounting – Website Design and Maintenance) expenses of the events are covered by the event income (registration fees from the participants) and Foundation operating funds.

AWM – Entry Conditions

    Entry Conditions – ENTRY BY INVITATION ONLY

    For the "Comfort, Safety and Enjoyment" of all delegates attending this event, Please be advised of the following norms. Entry to the venue is subject to complying the conditions and we appreciate your help to make this happen.

    1. Entry

    The Registered Delegate can collect the VALID ENTRY TICKET from the Registration Desk.

    The Guests/Accompanying Persons must have a VALID ENTRY TICKET to enter the Event Hall.

    The Delegates can get required number of Entry Tickets for their Guests/Accompanying Persons at the Registration Desk.

    2. Refusal of Entry or Ejection

    Failure to produce/show a VALID ENTRY TICKET may result in refusal of entry. Any person found not to be wearing an official event wristband/ID Card will be ejected from the event. Any person gaining unauthorized access or causing a disturbance or refusing to comply with requests from Security/Staff will be ejected from the event.

    You will be responsible for your belongings, do not leave them unattended. Possessions may be searched before entering the venue, during the event or when leaving the venue. If you refuse to participate in searches, you may be denied entry or asked to leave the venue.

    3. Dress Code

    Professional appearance is an important aspect and the clothing must conform to a reasonable standard of decency relevant to the event. Hence the Delegates, Guests and Accompanying Persons must be appropriately dressed.

    4. Code of Conduct

    The behavior can influence the experience for you and others at an event and we expect a high standard of behavior at our venue. Consider other delegates when using mobile devices. During the Technical Sessions and ceremony they should be turned off or on silent.

    At Venus, we are committed to providing a Friendly and Welcoming Environment for all, regardless of gender, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).

    Participate in an authentic, active and collaborative way, so as to contribute to the health and longevity of this event. Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions. Refrain from demeaning or discriminatory behavior.

    Kindly mind your surroundings and fellow participants. Alert event organizers if you notice a violations of this code of conduct.


    The entry conditions apply to all. Pass-outs may not be available at all times.

    Re-entry to an event venue (Hall) will be with a VALID ENTRY TICKET only.