Frequently Asked Questions on 7th Healthcare Awards – VIHA 2024

    Question – 1: What is Healthcare Awards?
    Venus International Healthcare Awards (VIHA) scheme was instituted in the year 2018 by the Centre for Health and Medical Sciences (CHMS) of Venus International Foundation (VIF). It is presented yearly during the Annual Healthcare Summit (AHS). The scheme has a Policy, Nomination Form, Expert Committee and Judging Process governed by the Board of Trust.

    The Award (is a Certificate) Recognizes Individuals for their Quality, Reliability and Competence to Apply Knowledge and Skills to carry out specific tasks. Read More ...

    Question – 2: What are the eligibility criteria to apply for VIHA 2024?
    Please refer clause 3 of policy document

    Question – 3: How many entrants win VIHA Awards?
    For each speciality (Eg. Excellence in Cardiology), the expert committee will select 2 Nominees. However the Apex Committee reserve the rights to honour less or more than 2 nominees in any category who meet standards set by the expert committee.

    Question – 4: What are the VIHA process?
    Please refer clause 10 of the policy document

    Question – 5: Why the "Selected Nominee" of VIHA 2024 has to Register for AHS Program?
    The AHS is a self-supporting event. All the expenses (Administrative – Materials and Hall – Service Tax and Accounting – Website Design and Maintenance) of the meet are covered by event income (registration fees from participants) and Foundation operating funds.

    Question – 6: After registering for 'AHS 2024', if the 'VIHA 2024 Winner' is unable to attend the VIHA 2024 Ceremony, how to receive the Award ?
    We expect Award Winner's presence on the day of Ceremony. In case, unable to attend, He/She can choose any one/two of the following options to receive '7th Healthcare Awards – VIHA 2024' Award.

    6.1 The Winner can depute a Person to 'VIHA 2024' Ceremony to receive the Award.

    6.2 In Absentia Category
    In this case, VIHA Team will send Soft Copy of Award Certificate during 4th week of July 2024 and Hard Copy during 2nd week of August 2024.

    6.3 Receive the Award in Person during next year VIHA 2025 Ceremony (or 9th Healthcare Awards – VIHA 2026 Ceremony)
    The VIHA 2024 Winner can attend next year 8th Healthcare Awards – VIHA 2025 (or 9th Healthcare Awards – VIHA 2026) Ceremony and can "Receive the Award in Person" under the Past Awardee Category.

    An Official Invitation Letter, to join for '8th Healthcare Summit – AHS 2025' (or 9th Healthcare Summit – AHS 2026) will be communicated prior to Event. In this option, He/She need not register for AHS 2025 (or AHS 2026).

    Note: In this case, VIHA Team will send Soft Copy of Award Certificate during 4th week of July 2024 and Hard Copy during 2nd week of August 2024.

    6.4 Depute a Person to next year 'VIHA 2025' (or VIHA 2026) Ceremony
    The VIHA 2024 Winner can depute a person to attend next year VIHA 2025 (or VIHA 2026) Ceremony and can "Receive the Award" under the Past Awardee Category.

    An Official Invitation Letter, to join for '8th Healthcare Summit – AHS 2025' (or 9th Healthcare Summit – AHS 2026) will be communicated prior to the Event. In this option, He/She need not register for AHS 2025 (or AHS 2026).

    Note: In this case, the VIHA Team will send Soft Copy of Award Certificate during 4th week of July 2024 and Hard Copy of Award Certificate via courier during 2nd week of August 2024