The AWM 2025

Authors are requested to prepare the manuscript according to the guidelines and it should be brief, clear and to the point.

General Instructions to Author

The submission imply that it has not been previously published and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The manuscript must present the results of the original work.

Cite the source when referring, adapting, reusing etc if any from another source

Plagiarism is unacceptable.

If the scripts are accepted for publication, the author should not publish it elsewhere.

The responsibility of the contents rests upon the authors and not on the publisher.

The Committee reserves the right to make changes if necessary in the manuscript.

Paper Submission – AWM 2025 – 10th Annual Women's Meet

    1. Call For Papers (Extended Abstract; High-level summary of research)

    The AWM 2025 seeks original, high-quality proposals describing the research and results that contribute to advancements in the research areas.

    Each abstract paper should have at most 2 pages, including figures, tables and references.
    (Paper Size: A4 – 210mm x 297mm; Times New Roman; Font Size – 10; Line Spacing – 1; Margins – 1 inch at Top, Bottom, Left, Right; Papers should be original and not currently under review at another venue).

    The Extended abstract must contain relevant information in shorter and subtitles of should be tentatively composed of:

    Section – 1: Title of the Paper, Authors Name and Affiliation

    Section – 2: Abstract and Keywords

    Section – 3: Introduction/Purpose/Objective

    Section – 4: Materials/Methodology/Approach

    Section – 5: Findings/Results/Discussions/Suggestions/Conclusion

    Section – 6: References

    Note: Official language of the 10th Annual Women's Meet (AWM – 2025) is English.

    2. Important Deadlines

    Abstract submission Open: 9 March 2024

    Abstract submission deadline: 21 Septmber 2024

    Acceptance notifications: 11 October 2024

    Final reviewed submission: 11 December 2024

    Conference Sessions: 1 March 2025

    3. Submission

    Papers can submitted electronically to: (AND)

    All contacts and manuscript submission through e-mail only.

    4. Ethical Guidelines to Author