The AHS 2024

AHS is a self-supporting event and the event registration fees are the major source of revenue for running the event.

All the (Administrative – Materials and Hall – Service Tax and Accounting – Website Design and Maintenance) expenses of the events are covered by the event income (registration fees from the participants) and Foundation operating funds.

AHS 2024 Conference Registration Cancellation and Refund Policies

    If a registrant is unable to attend the conference, and is not in a position to transfer her place to another person, or to another event, then the following refund arrangements apply.

    1. Conference Registration cancellation

    a) Requests Submitted More than 45 days before the conference:

      In this case, the registrant is eligible for an 80% refund of the registration fees paid. The remaining of the fee contributes to administration costs incurred.

    b) Requests Submitted More than 30 days before the conference:

      In this case, the registrant is eligible for a 50% refund of the registration fees paid. The remaining of the fee contributes to administration costs incurred.

    c) Requests Submitted Less than 30 days before the conference:

      In this case, the registrant is no longer eligible for a refund.

      Because, at this date, we have guaranteed the registrant’s participation with our vendors and partners; and based the guarantee given, the vendors and partners made necessary arrangements.

      Hence, at this juncture, we are unable to provide a refund of the conference registration fees.

    Note: All cancellations of the conference will need to provide document proof of reason as to why the registrant cannot attend the conference.

    2. Refund Policies

      Upon receiving the Refund Request Form, the process will be initiated and the refund will be made to the payee account via bank transfer within 15 working days.

      For more information about conference cancellation policy, write us to: